And Then Again - the Trine Style
~And Then Again~
( Trine )
I just love smelling the roses with all their sweet delicious perfume
Enjoy watching them in front of me thrive and then just full bloom
Pretty multi-colored butterflies hover and drink from the top
It's so sad when I see one by one the roses' petals fall just drop
Then I hear a very loud sound coming from up above the sky
And the rain starts to fall so hard and the clouds seem to cry
Then the sun completely hides and in its place I hear another loud boom
But I know that sunshine again will come back when all this rain will just stop
And then hopefully once more lovely roses will bloom and beautiful butterflies again will fly.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~Author's Notes:
The " Trine " is a French poetry form or style." Trine " is Anglo- French meaning " Three each " .