Love Poem: ANDREA
Floyd Neal Avatar
Written by: Floyd Neal


Although the images we created during special times
are etched forever in special caverns of our minds
as, I look upon your face, I see the mirror of your past
as, I look into your eyes, I see our history unfold in irises.
As, I run my hand through your hair, I watch the sun reflect
as, I look upon your face, I see a vision of our future
sometimes as I am standing there
your face will flash before my eyes.
A face that I want to touch
until it's diminished into the size of a small key hole
like the one that's on the lock to your heart
the smell of your body will float beneath my nose.
Until I am lost in memory of our lips connecting
your thoughts are my beacon guiding me safely
through this journey, to the wanting caverns of your mind
you close your eyes and I fly home to guide
your thoughts to the safety of my mind.
I hear your angelic voice, calm
as I soar above the whistling 
wind of a silent understanding.