Love Poem: Angelic Guides
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Angelic Guides

Divine messengers from Elders past
beget humane muses of culture.

Prophetic win/win messages
perform and engage
redevelop and reconnect
guardian health systems
and wealth networks.

Proactive passionate verbs
pleasing domesticated nouns
together speak co-relational language,
recreating exegesis of re-ligioning life
spread and stretched between
flaming hot love and stone-cold hate.

Creolizing messages shaping defense 
of polycultural adventures
reshaping offense
of too omnipotent monocultures.

Divine words
reweaving boddhisatva co-messiahs
guardians of healthy cooperative virtues,
EarthTribe's re-convening 
naturally discerning spirited kindness,
indigenously wise 
re-ligioning FatherSun
EarthMother root feeling
crown thoughtful 
mind/body fullness.

messengers to and from our Elder guardians,
trees shaken by breeze,
sapient squirrels chased by bluejay girls,
light shadowed by co-refining night.

Divine FatherSun
re-connecting enlightened messages
re-ligioning EarthMother sage 
co-messianic musicians.