Love Poem: Angels Fall, As I

Angels Fall, As I

Angels fall at your feet ...

  -  To savor the tang of truth - to kiss Heaven's visage
          And sate horrid hearts, they feign you - Immaculate ...

  -  To tend the scars of id, vacant, fallow and dry
          Such sacred sacrilege, they revile you - Torrid ...

  -  Born of a godly fervor - white flames to ashes
          Ashes to tears, entranced, they covet you - Righteous.

Angels fall at your feet ...

  -  To twist the spine of mercy, to advocate time's curse
          Brought forth in floods, they employ you - Banal ...

  -  To fawn at fear's reprieves, to shred the Eden leaves
          Stark and cloistered, coy, they encircle you - Sullen ...

  -  To pierce the side of virtue, to thrust a spear of verity
          And taste its salty tip - they adorn you - Naked.

Angels fall at your feet ...

  -  To strain a tear in symmetry, pure algebraic forms
          Hot breath and whispers, they laud you - Redeemed ...

  -  To Hell and back, abandon, a sultry paragon's allure
          Off the cliff, a fall sublime, they become you - Oblivion ...

  -  I am broken, replete ... rusting in your yard, seraphic junk
          Pawned by Heaven's deceit, to fall rapt at your feet - Rapt ...

And so tenderly ... at your feet.

~ 3rd Place ~  in the "My Favorite Junkyard" Poetry Contest, 
Craig Cornish, Judge & Sponsor.