Love Poem: Angels of God

Angels of God

Under the tree at Mamre three visitors stood
They looked like you and me
But One was different from the others
Waiting just waiting for
Abraham with a bow as low as he could go
Invited them for lunch
Looking at Abraham One of the three spoke 
the words of life and death and creation
and like friends they ate like you and I would

Jacob on his way to Laban Rebeca’s brother
Tired found a rock as his pillow
Fell into a dream even with a rock for his pillow
He saw a stairway resting on earth
And reaching to heaven with angels 
ascending & descending 
Where were they going 
Walking into the shadows of the night
Coming to you or me I suppose
At the top of the stairway God spoke
A promise to Jacob his name will be Israel  
When Jacob woke everything had changed

A silent night a holy night like no other night
Out in the fields shepherds were watching 
God was silent for so long only retold deeds
on pages of the past
Out of the silence came news of great joy
An angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds
announcing the birth a visitor like the One at Mamre
A Savior the Messiah now visiting like a newborn oh man
The heavens opened with a chorus voices so joyful
How the shepherds changed that night
Like so many of us waiting to hear that chorus
A Savior the Messiah who walked through life death
Back to life and beyond

Frank Black Blacharczyk