Another Damned Moon Poem
i am double rainbows.
i am the streaks of silver in the old man's hair, i am spiny and bug-eyed.
i am the rainbow around the moon on misty nights. i am cactus eyes with a center of molten gold, i am almond crafted ones that pierce.
i am the smell after it rains. i am the earthworm on the sidewalk, i am the snail on the tall blade of grass, i am the
storm and the sky's tears.
i am the tablespoon of honey you take when you're ill. i am the spiderweb in the corner of your bedroom, i am the
comfort after the chaos of my sickness.
i am silver studded, i am the glowing omniscience of the moon's rays.
i am frightening.
i am the teeth and i am the blood and i am the bone,
i am the jaws that rip through soft skin
i am sharp teeth gnashing at any sign of emotion
and i will never take what i dish out for
my word is law.
a strange man comes with
stranger impulses after all;
i just hope you think i am beautiful.