Love Poem: Another Place In Time---

Another Place In Time---


Another place in time;
When you were you;
And I was I;

seems so wrong that we make it right;

At this place in time;
You are curtain that you're mine;
I would be so incline, to say

I love you for always....

seems so wrong that we make it right;
I love U just as the moon loves the night;

Oh, it was another place in time;
When you were you and I was I;
Couldn't be so right;
Me holding you ever so close and tight;
We would spent the night, looking in our eyes
Soul staring, hearts sharing
seems so wrong that we made it right;
make it right

Another place in time;
When you were you;
And I was I;

seems so wrong that we make it right;

At this place in time;
You are curtain that you're mine;
I would be so incline, to say

I love you for always....
At this place and time another place in time

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr.© 1979, 2019