Love Poem: Are we like the mythical Adam and Eve?
John DuffyASY Avatar
Written by: John DuffyASY

Are we like the mythical Adam and Eve?

Are we like the mythical Adam and Eve?

(A lone voice whispers to his true love as Mother Moon, watches)

My Sophia

Are we are like the mythical
Adam and Eve

Walking upon the grey shores
Of a lost planet
Hidden in the deepest of space

Our true love holding us
Knee-deep in make believe 
As if buried alive

Where we will witness
The birth of nebula's

And rediscovered Old Gods

A new Atlantis
Filled with wild pagan beasts and jealous old women and men

Where we will stride beyond the reach of the
Masters of the Masonic Temples

Erecting their secretive
Light barriers

So we can part the soft pink pages
In our own Books of Exquisite Pleasure

To be then perused and used
At our inquisition and leisure

As we watch the fall of the new AI-driven human

With the rise of the
Cosmic Red Serpent

Laying upon the yellow sands and shorelines
As the new time of crucifixions begins again 

To see the visceral sights and smells 

As new spellbound disciples yell 

Palaces and institutions 
May burn and be
Aflame before us

A new vision of a world consumed with
Corruption and sin

For as we watch, we will know

We are lone riders of
The Great Red Dragon once foretold

We are some of the mythical poets and writers 

World and Empire 
Who never grow old


Me and you 
My Sophia

My queen

Who collects the Universes many hidden stories

For in time
To be simply retold


Just reborn as poets today
No longer
Citizens of any known countries

Just sent again
From The Great In-Between

To release new thoughts and words like red balloons to float 

To encourage and nourish inquisitive minds
Which are perpetually hungry

For enchanting new stories
To rebel in this glory

Contained and captured in this 

Our everlasting promissory note

Released like celebration balloons 

Into new readers minds
To forever 

Settle or float 

Copyright John Duffy