Love Poem: Are We Safer Now
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Are We Safer Now

Joy in mourning
opens this new eye day.

Am I OK?


yet survive able
air inhaling
"Death, tonight,
or some tomorrow,
my life's inevitable
no longer curious,
final answer."

Warm, wet exhaling,
"My moisture, too,
dying to reopen
yet another deep breath 
resurrecting dawn."

Is my heart still beating
safe soul-full
rhythmed wealth?

Will I know no tomorrow
ever spaciously becomes
sufficiently efficient,
endless love proficient?

Do We breathe in borrowed time
together better
than sad Earth-matricide
mad pathology
mourning joyless bad
free-falling expensively
extinctively apart?

After re-inhaling
all sacred yester nightmares,
am I still exhaling hope, fully?

Breathing inside thoughts
left to ask
while breathing outside feelings
right to answer
breath left enough to close 
dualdark responsive
breath right enough to open 
dawn's new dominating ask

Am I actually still-life 
winter weathered horny?

For this therapeutic pleasure day
may give midweek life 
inhaling purpose

love-thrive questing
deeply unitarian questions
and widely universal answers
discerning passionate joy-full purpose
with dispassionately empty mourning 
small-death morning
post-resurrection withered meaning

Am I still life hopeful?

Despite persistent lost railings
respite-resistant failing
new dawn's resonant joy response
to resilient dualdark
organic orgasmic EarthTribe 
climax dawning/dusking questions

"Gratitude for dusk's future 
timeless night
reopening this borrowed dawn
of sacred MotherTree vocations."

Ex/Inhale ReConnecting
closed answer mournings
already passed
on MeWe co-empowered 
dark joy EarthTree 
quenching questing life.

Am I glad to listen
to Me inhaling dawn-mind questions
We exhaling dusk-body answers
past empty questing absence
of We responsive mourning?

Is my sun-crowned rooting tree 
ready to die
to future co-requesting time?
Borrowed questions
refueling ComPassion Stories,
fueling new light
dark disempowering 
each last lonely night

Mourning co-empathic pleasure
0-soul fully answered passion
open questions
inhaling summered 
warm dawning thoughts
exhaling wintered 
cold disempowered feelings

not yet closed off
withering wintered co-response
to past hope springing dawn
EarthTribe summoned resuscitation.

Am I inhaling? 
"Earth's weak-day embodied answers
to enlightened 
mind quests"

Dying to know
and grow
future EarthTribe's redawning

Autumn leaving
joy-full answering dawn 
mourning sequestered dark
inside mind liberating questions
outside body conserving answers
resurrecting desecrated communion.

Am I feeling better
open questioning
mind/body regathering together?

When also falling 
expiring Me/We
closed down answers
dawn/dusk dissociated
dying mornlessly apart.

Are We safe?

Waking to withering
wintering late dawn

For sacred EarthTribe songs
and MotherTree dancing
full dawn-rooted questions
withering fall leaving answers

Inspiring and expiring 
joyful mourning attitude
respiraling MotherTree wealth
expiraling Me/We dualdark health
respirating nature's midway
His/Her epic haling 
cresting light empowered 
wintering weathered stealth.