Love Poem: Arelease
Joel Thornton Avatar
Written by: Joel Thornton



I cut out my heart the other day. Pouring its blended liquid back
Into the chest cavity with cement.

Sealing these feelings far away
So they may not be used by you one day
Abuse of power with selfish intent
Passions unchecked. Focus Misspent. 
Ardent. Unkempt.  Led astray.
No truth found in fact.
What all this has meant anyway?
Any purpose to obey?  In obscenity to invent.
	In nature; Reason, seasoning decay.
Experience to extract wisdom
I cut out my heart the other day
Pouring its blended liquid back
Into the chest cavity with cement
To bury this decay.
To change the way
I feel and things I thought I knew
Change what I’m expecting too 
A blended heart mixed with cement
Hardens in the hole where it was kept.
To bury my feelings- to hide the truth
To pay for all we have been put through
Payment for a love loss, long spent.
A debt, an obligation that grew
For unpaid rent. An unspoken truth.
The heart is my feelings, the blender was you