Love Poem: Art Of Endurance
Subimal Sinha-Roy Avatar
Written by: Subimal Sinha-Roy

Art Of Endurance

In desolate wasteland of deprivation,  
sauntering languidly with my indigent life, 
I tried tolerantly for so long 
to smoothen the angularities 
of our beleaguered bond. 

Swirling in the egregious whirlpool 
of searing indignation, 
sucked into the chasm
of despondent desertion,
I searched in vain 
for the pathway to your heart.
The feeling of dismal denial 
made me abandon the pursuit. 
But had I cultivated 
the art of endurance 
and stayed on resolute, 
I’d have seen the butterfly 
of yearning return reticent,  
flitter in the air of changed time 
on its wings of dream
in my sensuous sky 
with the lattice of your charisma. 

With the whispering wind 
it’d have created the music, 
harmonized with the rhythm of my heart, 
where longing would have danced 
with the ripples of rhapsody, 
roll between you and me, 
entwine us forever. 

Purifying the renascent craving called love, 
I’d have weaved the novel design of desire  
in the tapestry of heavenly togetherness, 
that wouldn’t have frayed
till the end of time.