As the Day Arose
The day arose when the ebbing golden orb
Would sun the morn with light and joy
When all the air seems dark and dewy
When the pleasant songs of day would leap.
Upon the rising of the sweet Mercury swells
There's a gentle play that gladdens the heart
They soar swiftly upon the sighing breeze
In symphonies sweet, their tender echo flows.
To our humble gardens, in our soothing rest
The birds of Trinidad's beauteous bowers
In cascading scents of blossoming flowers
May rise and descend and warble in spring.
In melodies sweet, that I may suffer not
This lonesome heart with forlorn memories
By the vaporous isles of the deep green path
Where our lips first touched in warm recess.
Tho' life seems cold, dark, and lonely
Tho' my heart murmurs in streams of sadness
There's a whisper of love and dream
There's a laughter in days slightly sweet.
There's an infamous hope that intrudes the day
Where I by the river's flow and deep breathing
By a temple of hues storming and lightly clasped
On the ivory ground smoothly glowing and ponderous.
Would but descend with the last strand of faith
In fervent prayer and quivering tears softly flowing
Thro' many a morn's in life's poor solitude
I see your beauteous face thro' the mind's mirror.
That somehow you'd grace me by the limpid fields
That somehow your muted lips would call me
Where the brightly colored limbs droops merrily
'Neath the ebbing golden orb where our love had sprung
As symphonies sweet clings to the hastening day.
( For old time sake I just thought I would drop a poem here at the Soup and stop by and read up on some poetry here. I hope my friends
here are keeping well. Thank you very much for reading my poem.)