As The Dust Settles
In the beginning, we burned bright,
brighter than any suns or stars could ever dream of,
but even suns and stars eventually burn out.
You were taken from this world, from me,
far quicker than should be allowed.
For every plan of the future we made together
came and went as nothing more
than a reminder of the emptiness you left behind.
An emptiness I have no intention of trying to fill,
for a thousand bodies of men just like you
would only be enough to bury me in,
but none would ever be enough
to fill the void your loss has created.
Grief is a powerful thing like that.
They say it comes in waves,
and if that is the case, then I am drowning.
I say let me.
At least then I could see you once more,
even if only for a fleeting moment,
as my mind plays all of the best my life has offered
in my final seconds.
I know I would see you then.
This is not the life you would want for me, that is known.
But I do not know how to live in a world
where I am expected to enjoy you only in mind,
otherwise, you are confined to this dusty box of memories.
Photographs do not allow me to hear your laugh,
so loud and full of life
that I had no other choice but to laugh with you.
Your smile is not done justice,
with its warmth and promise of kindness.
Sobbing into the clothes you wore
is incomparable to weeping on your shoulders
as you reminded me
that I was not to face the world alone.
And yet here I am, doing exactly that.
Time, my love, has not done me any favors.
It has been my greatest enemy,
the one thing I hate more
than the loss that plagues my soul.
And yet, it is the time we spent together
that has allowed me to stay strong and true.
I can only wait for the day
that it reunites us.