As Time Fades
It aches in my spirit,
the heartfelt music of stillness
clinging to the breath, tender
erasing the melody of gentleness
restoring the memory
a sense of what if… being revealed
on the gray thoughts, the shadows
risking it all to tell the heart
what is coming – the dread of knowing
life’s shame colored in flames of yearning,
hungry urges, thirsty for the light…
the knowing, that He is bright
singing on the wonder, dazed by everlasting
peace who blesses away the silhouettes
memories fading into the jungle of regret,
will time forget?
the seeds of yesterday, erasing the still
he walks slowly, old as the quiet
who reveals what it means to seek solace
in the music of trees, leaves dancing
trembling with grief who sees
beyond the memories, to the hesitant shape
a heart who ignores the remorse,
pouring out its guilt, its sorrow, its lament
for those who remember…
twilight’s glistening, stars revealing
will forever reach out and take him,
as I mourn the face of a past
where he hated me, loathing my innocence,
my destiny – forbidden gentleness
will he see the truth that was hidden
in a heart whose rhythm was a naked soul,
who came from his coveting,
but would never do justice
to the fervor, the storm, the anger
that expressed what is missed
when a father reminds a daughter
this life, this love, this silence
it is more than hurt feelings and rejection,
more than the quiet destiny,
this is the breeding ground, God’s garden,
where we learn about love that never dies,
love that decides for us…
is he thinking of the time, the past
the music that plays on and on
does he regret? will time decide or reject
will he ever know that my heart reflects
what it means to see the peace,
hear the music of grace, the salvation
that comes to those who simply believe
love came down, to save us from – not only hell
but from the devil who stabs at our peace,
the enemy who fractures our truth
with doubts and disillusion, fear and confusion.
but we see through the veil
who has ripped us from the darkest hell
and brought us to the light,
where we meet with Jesus Christ
and remember, even when sin seems to win
there is One who never allows us to give in…
He restores our souls with grace
He always makes a way, through faith
He is the love that abides and I’ll praise
even when the darkness tries to take away
the light of His love, the hope from above,
the reason I know… He is deep in my soul
and, whatever comes, His love surely wins.
In the father, in the child, His blessings abide.