Love Poem: As You Call
Ghairo Daniels Avatar
Written by: Ghairo Daniels

As You Call

Threads ripple across space                                              
 as you draw pictures with your cells                                    
    Lotus in my belly moves toward arched feet                                   
Is your Sun strong enough for a Flower                                
Which prefers the shade?                                                                                            
An irresistible pull of nourishing amber                                        
      I finger its veins with my broken skin                                 
          petals fall apart, skirmish dust                                               
                  instantly swallowed by your dog                            
Rumi gives a foolish grin
   for once not knowing his words                                                            
then dervishes with Shams and Desert Fox                                   
 I cannot draw his silk                                                                     
as his eyes guide mine to                                                     
Spaces between unwritten lines                    
Worcester mountains show a                                         
path with rocks, rabbits, lizards                                                                    
 rooting my Lotus                                            
    knee pain evaporates                                                
         with my pupils dissolving into yours