Love Poem: Ashes 2 Love

Ashes 2 Love

One can only hope

Unless probably depending on 
the certain circumstance under
which the couple split

And whether or not you we're 
in fact the one who left or the
one got left

And simply are somehow
unable to let go

That long after the disappointment
pain and hurt have settled down

That the initial spark of attraction
that ignited their desire to want to
go out with each other in the
1st place

That in the beginning burnt and
raged like an uncontrollable
wild bush fire 

Will also eventually over time 
die out if it is not stoked and
has fresh fuel poured on it

And if it is to be dampened

And the fire does go out it 
becomes virtually impossible
to reignite

And it's then all about the clear 
up and seeing if there is anything 
left worth salvaging

Other than Ashes