At the Bottoms Dropped Out
At the Bottom's dropped out.
I'll write to you
the end of the story.
The only one i know.
Sundown on a field of dandelions.
No step closer to rapture,
I smiled with no hurry
when i found myself here,
at the bottom's dropped out.
It never rests.
not even when it's over.
Like stale conversation
without bread nor water.
A river martin's graceful flight.
My smile came easy
when i saw you here
at the bottom's dropped out.
Lampblack spills on a white canvas,
like a clock running out of time.
The mood a smile brings on,
it never has to die.
Dustup Old Frisian theological nonsense.
The clouds burst with meaning
at the bottom's dropped out.
Like a sun spot on the Sun
Life stands still
as seasons change.
It’s not worth winding up the long rewind
of a slippery slope
towards yesterday’s face another time.
Let's have last seen each other here
At the bottom's dropped out.