You, circling the pool on your trike, I lost count so many times,
watering red and yellow cannas.
A deep green muck of marsh long unattended.
I sprayed their thirsty roots as I heard the splash.
Turning, not seeing you, I dove in my pajamas
frantically searching, time rushing.
I found your wrist and pulled you free.
I checked. I felt no breath - no rise in chest
I couldn’t lose you.
My mind racing - I pressed my mouth upon yours
breathing into you deep and long
seconds, minutes
I breathe for you. I breathed you.
Your chest rose, just a little.
Our breath passing between us, exchanging in and out
give and take - yours and mine
until you take your own
Both coughing, both crying, both breathing
I didn’t lose you.
I hold you and all we do is breathe.
Each breath releasing my tears.
Each breath you take
separating me from you
once more.
Published: Boston Literary Review