Love Poem: Audience
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Written by: Shahana Jackson


People say i'm not suited for kids
    I'm just not the motherly type
     I have career woman writtened
          Across my face
        Almost like an exclamation point
           Or a uni brow
           I have this love for poetry
          A love I can't explain
           I get this immediate high 
           From my audience
           and their reaction
           and I know what people say
             They say I have a gift
             the fact that they think 
             I'll never have kids
             Is a fact I sometimes
              ponder about myself
            My first love is poetry
             and it's a huge part of me
             A part of me that 
             that I would like to share 
               with someone who came               
                from directly inside of me
                The audience members
                 They praise my name
                 Sing about my talent
                  and make me feel cinematic
                  But you. Oh you dear child
                 When your developed
                 and growing I will write poetry
                    like no other
                   I will read to you my deepest passion
                    Cause truly you'd be my new light
                        You'd be the only audience
                           that mattered.
                           Someday I will be a mom