Auntagony's Infatuation
Antagonism's stand up protagonist,
Her dark comedy
impatient inside AuntAgony declares
left out right in face of
a bi-culturally sublime
ProWithiGistic voice within,
if S/He only vulnerably dared
to risk her starkly impatient tissue issues:
I did not choose
to lose
deep dark masculinity
To no longer
and wider grow
against you
just as you could not choose
to lose mistrust
against Diva EcoWe
Aunt defying Uncle
inside Agony
Pitching out
and catching
Anti/Pro BiCameraRoles
of ecstasy
Which reminds me
my dear,
although a bit queer,
a rhyme I recall
never having heard
or ever read
about Royal Leer:
Who feels quite strongly
and yet wrongly
that Queen Allure
invites Royal Leer
to lure
wildly winning spinning
radically sad ProWithiGistic
WinWin misconclusions
Further flaming and feathering
Aunt Agonist's unchosen
WinLose troubling
bipolar competitive relationships
and so
Robustly fanned
so GoldenRule unplanned
by His evolutionary theory
of secularized apartheid might
makes Patriarchal Capitalists right
to Saint AuntAgonist desecrate
while learing
lusting to destroy
without ecological
or sacred reason
for such treason
against binomially co-arising
lusty dipolarity
But, I'm not your AntiGonistic colonizing threat
story today
and I am your ProWithiGist creolizing therapy
opportunity tomorrow
ProWithiGists alluring
masochistic maids
to please your dissociative
fertility undressed
a not-so-yucky
-ucky fornicating mess
AntiGonistic excommunications
grow win/lose pressures
leering elsewhere
appearing to lure divorce,
secularizing monotheistic
and not not sacred expand-theistic
As all AuntAgonist drag queens know,
Patriarchal Acquisitive Leering (PAL)
inappropriately overpowers
what might have been
an Alluring exhibition
of gracefully embodied health
and safe with AuntEartha's
ProWithiGist mental wealth
Includes AuntEartha's indigenous wisdom:
It is not nice
to lure wild AuntAgonist voyeurs
into more cooperatively,
transportedly unchosen
unconditional regard
Without restoring
and restorying
a more resonant Aunt Agony's
whole open systemic climate
supporting nonviolent
and warmly compassionate
and sometimes kinda wet
sacred lusty communion
Tipping sacred/secular seductive chairs
in-between AlluringProWithiGist Saints
and Leering AuntAgonistic Sinners
And musty
possibly rusty
must see AuntAgonist
unconditionally warm
wild drag queens.