Love Poem: Avoiding the Elitist Within
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Avoiding the Elitist Within

A strong cooperative offense
is our most competitive defense.

Avoiding RightRed fascism
terrorism, dark secular raptures and/or terrified jihad,
fundamental Nature is sinful, negative yin repressed,
while Spirit is health invested love, positive yang,
long-term ego/eco-centric,
bilateral co-temporal,
evenly humored humanistic divinalism.

By choosing divining higher
and humanely deeper
GreenLeft/RedRight co-regenerativity
strengthening LeftBrain's historic secular case
for more cooperative climate cleansing
by divesting of RedRight's competing disassociating divestment
away from

Divine/Humane WinWin MultiCulturing Holy Spirit
cooperative matriarchal/patriarchal outflowing natural
ZeroZone soulful
bilateral 4-Dynamic Primal Seasons
PolyNomial-GreenLeft ecology
for PolyPathic multicultural RedMountain Yang
speaks YinSquared Divine NonViolent ValleyLeft

Red light of dawning memories
co-invite Earth's Green reforesting vocation
in 4D bilateral Left/Right positive energy
democratic-trusting frame
dynamically parallel bicamerality
with resilient fractal string-structures of humane DNA
and divine RNA theological Origin
and 4-ecological ZeroZone Seasons
with 4-theological nurturing Reasons
for romantic infatuation
with Eastern outside red dawns
of post-millennial inside climate warning
Western indigenous Earth and tree
and Sun and moon
and Extended sanctuary family
nature/spirit worshipers,
improv and designing artists,
designing and implementing ecologists,
creation and degeneration processors,
deep learning ecotherapeutic theologians
story-tellers of legends
sweeping cooperative neighborhoods
greeting travelers,
fellow walking
and flying
and swimming
and crawling eco-pilgrims

Liberally green
and conservational red night lovers
cooperatively mentored delight
avoiding tomorrow's nationalistic 
utterly narcissistic
planting anti-historical flim/flam stories
hoping to fool all people
through all competing ZeroSum mythical time.