Love Poem: Awaiting the Ebb Tide
Reason A. Poteet Avatar
Written by: Reason A. Poteet

Awaiting the Ebb Tide

She chose to think his sweet talk lies were cute… 
that things he said had value worth pursuit.
that substance would emerge, somewhat astute.

And while his words of love she wants to feel… 
she ambles through their world hoping to heal.
She fears his selfish frost is hard as steel.

These past three years recalled with misty eyes…   
he goads her daily even as she cries;
he begs excuse but sneers with compromise. 

His conversation scars with bogus blame.  
it mocks them both for trust has turned to shame;
it gags her voice, so silence is her game.  

She made a promise, hoping that somehow
her mate would change. She’ll never break her vow.