Baa Baa Black Sheep
Baa! Baa! Black Sheep!
Baa! Baa! Black Sheep! Can you hide
In the wool that grows inside,
Chilled to bone in soul’s dark night,
Stars obscured by doubts, no light!
Loveless? Empty’s how you feel?
Dream that ‘death,’ at least, is real?
Baa! Baa! Black Sheep! Is this pride?
Are you God? Did you decide
‘Clay,’ debris, would source all life?
‘Adam’s rib’ might bring a wife?
‘Evolution,’ ‘God,’ that’s porn?
All that’s ‘known’ is stardust borne!
Baa! Baa! Black Sheep! “Dieu adore!”
Can life’s sin make you a whore?
Life deemed “Good!” (before your birth)
Shaped your mind, your place on earth!
Grace or void, you want a voice?
God’s ‘existence?’ Not our ‘choice!’
Long Tooth
August 10th in 2019
Poet’s Notes:
Let me humbly suggest that we love the earth and ALL of our
brothers and sisters of all colors, shapes, and sizes (both
intellectually and physically), whatever their ‘faith!’ Science
has proven ‘all living humans’ are descendants of one woman.
She was the mother of us all! Take that all self-serving racists
who read this, “Eat poo!” One does not hate you who hates
your behavior, “Thank God!” While it is true that the evidence
is circumstantial that God loves us (or even exists), that we
all have eternal souls, and that Love and Justice are somehow,
wondrously, inexplicably linked, might we all not have better
lives who individually ‘act’ like this is true! Some folks call this
‘Faith in God’ though it comes in different ‘flavors’ for sure, it
always suggests, “First, do no harm to what God loves!”
How is a belief that you do not have a soul and that death
means the end of your existence, a ‘faith’ that better serves
you? Does ‘Faith in Death’ help the people close to you (who I
hope you love and who love you back too)! How does ‘faith’
that ‘life’ is “a Godless existence followed by oblivion” serve
‘Love’ that most of us dream is real or add value to life?
How can ‘Faith in Death’ possibly be more real than ‘Faith in
God!’ I do understand, dear friend, that you may have ‘strong
feelings’ I’m wrong, however. I ask you, please, give a bit more
thought to why your feelings are so intense about this. Do not
let someone who claims to know God (whose self-righteous
‘actions’ disgust you) poison the ‘living water’ God offers to
slake, if not end, your thirst. Be Blessed! Love the God that is
beyond all imagination and still loves you! Wow!