Baby-Dedicated To All Wonderful Mothers
God descends to the earth in the form of a baby,
and fills up the home with loads of happiness
wither angelic presence.
they are the most,innocent and
beautiful creations of the divine.
they are the angels of happiness and removes
their smile touches the heart,relaxes the mind,
soothes the body and fills us with joy.
they bring out a mother in a woman and
change them into tender beings.
they have such a magic around them,the sorrow vanishes
and joy prevails in the ambience.
when their tender ,soft hands touch us
its just like lord blessing us.
their smile and innnocence melts even the
stone heart and eases the pain.
they teach us to the patient,tender and
soft with people around.
they are the ones who laugh with their hearts and
teach us the value & beauty of life.
they teach us to be always happy and keep worries
i love to take you in my arms n carese you all the time
and kiss ur gentle feet.
thankyou for teaching the beauty of life with ur smile,
whih has widened the horizons of happiness.