Baby Blue Angel
baby blueangel left Earth in company of two angels. When he got to the gate he
saw his mama. She turned to thank the angels for bringing him. Baby blue
disappeared "Where is he?" his mama cried. they looked among the
clouds. "Could he have fallen back to Earth?" the one angel said. one angel went
back to Earth to look for the lost Baby Blue but in despair returned to Heaven. No
Baby Blue. Mama was getting quite anxious. They asked passing angels if they
had seen Baby Blue. They shook their heads. When Moses walked by they
asked him if he seen the Baby blue He said "no but he remembered when he
was a baby among the bulrushes and how they found his floating cradle. then
they came to Hallelujah square there they approached Josuha and asked him.
he said "He sound his horn like when the walls came tumbling down." He
puckered up instead of a loud blast a sweet sound came out of his horn. Noah
was working to restore his ark. He asked "Is there one or two baby blues?"
Gabriel was upset"we`ll have to go to the celestial mansion and tell God Baby
Blue is missing." When they approached the throne there on God`s lap covered
by God`s snow white beard laid the sleeping baby blue.