Baby Could You
Baby could you understand that I can never be faithfull hey I'm
just telling the truth. Baby could you help me out when ask and not to be upset whith me
when I ask you a serious question. Baby could you show me whats' it loke to be loved by
some one. Baby could you also show me whats its like to be in a real relationship whith you
and just you. B aby could you let me hsave some space when I'm feeling mad at you or
some other people. Baby could you love me for me naw seriously other wise up and leave
me. Baby could you be honest be with me forever just how I will be whith you and baby
could you. Tell me why you honestly don't want me any more no don't give me that b.s, that
lil boy stuff, and etc. Baby could you be their for me to help me whith my fiancial problems
(lol). Baby could you stay whith me through the hard times like how I offfered for you but
you didn't want it. baby could you help me stay out of troubel whith the wrong crowd of