Love Poem: Baby Girl
Bella G. Avatar
Written by: Bella G.

Baby Girl

I don't expect you to understand how I feel.
I'm your little girl,
How could I possibly comprehend what love really is?
Love is everything I feel about him 
and the fear and the safety I feel when I'm with him.
You say you'll never deny me my feelings,
So stop trying to deny me from being in love with him,
Because he'll never think of hurting me.
Why, you ask, do I say this?
Because he loves me, 
He really does love me.
I'm still your baby girl, I'm alwyas going to be 
Your baby girl.
I promise that will never change,
But Let us be young and in love.
He's got my heart and I'm his girl,
So just trust me.
Your baby girl knows what she's doing.