Love Poem: Baby Girl

Baby Girl

She's my baby sister,
although she's nearly forty years old
She's the youngest one of thirteen,
and I love her more than words told

She's a master communicator,
she's a skillful motivator
She's a teaching innovator
She help young minds
reach their potential,
to become greater and greater

She takes young people
and turn them into thinking phenoms
Here's to my baby sister with love,
for taking them from K1 to the senior prom

Baby sis
Baby girl
You were the last sister born,
you were the girl with the golden smile
Baby sis
Baby girl
You were our parents last beloved child

Baby sis
Baby girl
You were the last sister born,
you were the girl with the golden smile
Baby sis
Baby girl
You were more than our parents last child,
you were a sacred vow kept by God
Reminding our family how
He still remains with us now

A tribute to my beloved sister Tiwanya