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Back to back they sleep
Different dream they dream
Married they are
In love they claim to be
Silent echoes in their bedroom
Their neighbours can testify
They hear it loud and clear every night
Neither could bridge the gap between
Fingers never touch
Lips dry and wrinkle
His eyes has long cease to shine
When he looks upon her face
Hers’ has long stop to sparkle at the sight of him
But yet the smile for the world
The take picture perfect family portrait
The world is none the wise of the loveless life the live
Word exchanges only out of necessity
Passion dead before wedding bells and I do
Out in the world
No silent smile shared
No lingering hugs
No indication that she sees him
Or that he sees her
Strangers standing side by side
Bitter memories of how it should have been
What it would have been
What it could have been
Is the only string tying them together
So they sleep back to back
Gap in between that either attempt to bridge
Dreaming of a different life
With different people
But still chose to wake up together
For neither have the courage to live