Backpack Love
You wore your heart pinned on your backpack
no concern for nobody, not even yourself
You saw nothing but shapeless clouds and colored glass
mistakes lie behind you and before you
all over your path
you took whatever came
rotten, second hand things
looked for happiness in every wrong place
but then it came and found you it sits in front of you with open arms
palms to the sky
love pouring out of every seam
nothing but help and hope to be given
while your eyes begin to brighten
they are no longer a storm, a saddened sky they are a smiling childs
your chapped lips quiver and body shakes
for the fear that builds and thoughts drown your mind,
you won’t be hurt again
I promise
these clouds become our future
endless and full of wonder
put down your backpack and surrender your heart, stop running
I’m here to hold you and stand beside you, have your hand in mine
you will never be alone again, never even cold
not again on the wrong path for happiness
for it is no longer at the bottom of a bag or bottle
it tickles and cuddles with snorts and giggles
my smile, your smile
like small children in love
forever pinned together