Love Poem: Bad Butterfly
Julie Brown Avatar
Written by: Julie Brown

Bad Butterfly

Bad Butterfly

Am I blinded by my future
or jaded by my past?
maybe I was in denial
to think that this would last
I'm sitting away from you
giving you a blank stare
while you're inching closer to me
praying for me to care
All I can think at this point
is " screw my messed up mind"
for realizing the truth I hid all along
never really wanting to press rewind
and look back to all the crap
the hurt, the pain, the tears
and i'm pissed at myself
for thinking I was happy all those years
cliche as it is
the old saying holds true
for in this situation
its me, it isn't you
its me that let it go on this long
its me that held onto thin air
its me that hurt and suffered in silence
its me that held the pain to bear
and now I  choose to look forward
and I pass my pain to you
because it has to go somewhere
not because I choose to
get mad, be angry
hate me for walking away
but realize its better for me to go and be happy
than to be miserable while I stay
I will always be the bad butterfly
weak and helpless at the start
who grew strong enough to fly away
and left you with an empty heart.