Love Poem: Bad Marriage
Moses Sichach Avatar
Written by: Moses Sichach

Bad Marriage

My life is playing me
                              The whore that it is
                        Patient zero got it from her
               The whole world is without protection
                             My life is beating me
                                 The rod that it is
                The whales can’t ever stop moaning
                My whole world is with pain pollution
                             My life is breaking me
                                 The rock that it is
                        All quarries would be empty
       The whole world made of sand from a gods imagination
                              My life is scarring me
                            The raw wound that it is
                           A bed of corpses less gory
           My whole world is graveyard for hope and salvation
                              My life is leaving me
                           The whole time that it is
            My screams and shouts can’t even reach her
           The whole world racing to unknown destination
                              My life is killing me
                                The load that it is
             Drainages clogged, latrines like her mouth flowing
        My whole world pushing problems to disinfecting solution