Baking Chocolate
For shame I write again
And indulge your memory
Doting on you baselessly,
As though you’re a man
For shame, I have no remedy
Because as a child, I could never know
And as I am, you couldn't trust my word
That I know you and I know hardship
Because while there was always milk for me
You are have always been
baking chocolate
And though I didn't know how unpleasant it would be
I faithfully escorted that dry dust to my mouth
Because you already owned me,
and my passion was arcane
I forfeited to you
To become fortitude, your stronghold
I gladly wed the night; I gladly wed your savagery
Soliloquies decorating the shrine in my heart
For you, my one good thing
I have no capacity to abandon
And I don’t know how to love conservatively
And as easy as spitting you out could be
I let you fester,
I let you make a home in me
But even now, I can still taste you in my mouth,
Where years should’ve made you disappear
And you’re nauseating
You’re the bitter product of bitter chocolate
I’m older now
and my youth won’t erase you
Nor passing moments, nor justified rage
And my heart is empty plastic
In my own hands
And you marauded me
I hate you more than there are words for
My resilience has long melted away
Yet you always have a hand on me
And I can’t make you leave
Eternal sunshine’s burning me
My lips remember, my lips grieve
For shame, I can’t forget you…