Monday night is my weekly Bible Study
An evening spent delving into God's word.
A night devoted to knowing Christ as my Savior
To not attend would be simply absurd.
Tuesday night is spent at the county prison
Sharing God's word with hard-core sinners.
Trying to lead them to repent and accept Christ as their Savior
In hopes they'll be transformed from losers to winners.
Wednesday night is spent at church
A midweek devotion so important to my life.
To praise God and thank Him for his many blessings
As Sunday service alone does not suffice.
Thursday is our weekly lunch at the diner
A great time to get to know my fellow Christians.
We break bread and we share God's word with each other
And often talk over our latest church mission.
Friday and Saturday I like to leave open-ended
Unless my church has something planned, in which case I attend.
I love my free time but would drop everything for
Participation in a church-sponsored event.
It's Sunday, dear God, and I kneel before thee
Grateful to be here in the House of the Lord.
Though you've bestowed so many blessing on me
I pray for just one more.
Please God, help me be closer to my children
As I've been neglecting their many needs.
I've given my life to Christ as my Savior
Yet somehow lost touch with those important to me.
I love you Lord, and love your son Jesus
For giving His life so I can be with you in eternity.
But please don't let my heavenly desires
Put a wall between my children and me.
So, I hope you'll forgive me if every once in a while
I skip a church event to stay home with my family.
To get reacquainted with them and put forth more effort
In being the parent I know you expect me to be.
My child, by all means spend time at home with your kids
When you are together, you should know I am there.
And when you want to have some alone time with your God
Trust me, they'll still know how much you care.
Be at home for your children and here for your church
Enjoy all your loved ones while you've got the chance.
From your prayer, I suggest you need only be mindful
Of the simple, yet profound gift of…balance.