Ball and Chain
No mirror shows reflection
were it not for light and
dark, that which surrounds
and enfolds us, warms and
chills our inner – the deeper
degrees of being. Numbers,
weights and scales are our own
inventions, for God keeps no such account,
seeing only, who walks in with
us, and how we arrived –
Our internal image charged
by those oscillating fuels of love
and hate; spoken and driven~the
engines moving us forward
and back as a humanity...can stall at
the foot of a mountain, or on a one-way
bridge – gleams that never find
a return channel to steadier stars,
unable to escape the firmament-gravity
of super-glued ego –
Lust for Power, jealousies, need to control
others and all else in our environments,
are some of the Balls And Chains we
sing about, rhyme and push our poetry,
while leaving our souls trailing behind –
True Soul-life, not only sentient feelings, but
the spirit body of God appealing to us, from out
the mist of our wanderings, longing for conscious
reunion –