these clouds
dangling about the moon
tinged with the pearlescent glow of a fading sun
have my thoughts twirling in my mind
awakening memories
i slip away
into the darkness of eventide
eyes closed
wondering if it's you
touching me
through this muggy air
as i twist
this crimped up hair
half kept
atop my head
i can hear the thrum
of whispers
and old guitars
in faded love songs
now beckoning me
to sing along
like a teenager
plumb crazy in love
i succumb once again
to your touch
the tang of your lips
lingers on mine
as this wind pauses
between gusts
memories erupt
thrusting forward
like a feral cat
into darkness
claws drawn
against bare skin
leaving me breathless
like this howling wind
the clouds drift
as my eyes open
glowing like this moon
april 13, 2021
Eight word Bardenesque challenge Poetry Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton