Bare Souls
It is so lonely under the starry sky.
Our soul shells washed away with the speed of life.
Emotion bones faded.
With an empty eye of own skeletons,
they count the stars on the cosmic vault,
seeking for the meaning of the life show.
Surrounded by a multitude - alone.
In disbelief, I count so many treacherous.
They have hungry eyes and empty souls crawling in the mud.
They bow to the screens,
from which a river of fog flows,
covering their weak minds.
I know you exist, and you are far away.
I can feel your breath on my face.
I'm free to tell you all my thoughts, fears, and desires.
I reveal to you all of my secrets.
There is no fear - just pure joy of being naked in front of you.
You rejoice to my naked soul as you take your veils off.
There are all colors - it's beautiful.
Finally - on a sand pond - by the sea.
We are naked by all means.
Bare souls and naked bodies - you come to give me a hug.
Fairy light and wet - we merge into one being.