Love Poem: Based


Life playing hide and seek with us...
Yes and no, alas long -
Not a riddle, not for answers,
Life the spindle.

Can fortunately, maybe with grief,
Life make sense - 
Those who needed sometimes
And who needed himself.

Those who helped once
Unselfishly, from the heart,
Those who climbed into the soul for gold
Its certanily soul

But yet in this life
Always keep your heart of evil...
Life is a funny thing because,
Pits, bumps - until the end.

And who endure, did not give up,
The one who's heart is not blind,
He only becomes human,
Who each give to the bread.

I often think that in Zlata
Happiness... but love it...
And we are losing wealth,
Oneplease of recyclable materials.

People... think about loved ones,
Take care of those who have...
And chasing distant,
Stay on the ground.

Those who loves with all his heart,
Those who soul with you
You will be rewarded handsomely there,
If you soul with the family!
17.01.14 AKC
© Copyright: Konstantin Achapowski, 2014
The certificate of publication No. 114011701045