Love Poem: Be Mine, O Fairest Juliet
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Written by: Ngoc Nguyen

Be Mine, O Fairest Juliet

Wherefore gazest thee from yon balcony,
     O fairest Juliet? Searchest thou for one
     that loveth thee 'neath heaven's brazen sun, 
that son of Montague—'tis felony!?
Thou lovest him? Ah! but loveth he thee?
     'Ere long thy love for him wilt be undone
     by poison and—alas!—thou wilt be gone
and we shalt grieve—both Houses!—yea, all we
and Montague! I beg of thee—instead
     be mine? For I'm thy kinsman, Capulet!
Be mine! And like that Romeo fore-said,
     I'll worship thee as divine; and forget
that thy wayward heart near left me for dead
     whilst thou eloped with him, mine Juliet.