Be Mine My Love For All Eternity
Be mine my love for eternity
He sits in his cozy chair, tired, and feeling very old, with broken wings,
Feeling the effect of time lost and what inner self aging brings.
“ Do you wish you were back at work with the old crew?”, I asked.
“No. I haven’t the energy as I used to.” he replied.
I scroll back the memories of this striking man a few years back
When we were young, he stole my heart; we were so much in love
He asked, “Be mine my love for eternity?"
A soft gentle face with a smile full of love
I would drown in his blue eyes and fade away to another world
and journey my fingers around his blond curly hair and drawback
Masculine arms that open to embrace his heart around my soul
The life of a man so full of hope and energy for a vital spark
With his boys in tow then later lay their heads upon his loving heart
Although the self we knew is gone
We cannot forgo
That like aged wine our love still has that romantic allure
Years later, in his chair, tired in mind and soul, dreaming of days past long ago
I asked,
" Be mine my love for eternity?