Be My Friend
To all you poets out there
I write this as a simple suggestion
So you can turn me down
If you find what I'm asking
to be out of your reach
But If we as poets can teach
through our words
the pain and suffering
of thousands in just
one stanza
Than why can't we
be friends?
If we as poets
can mend broken wounds
with just a pen and a paper
and our thoughts
Why can't we mend
hatred, animosity,
and poverty
I accept every poet
Regardless of race
or face
For all I see when
I look at thee
is another fellow poet
that means you understand
you see through my
kind of lens
Therefore you are my friend
and even though our
world isn't quite fixed yet
with this pen and paper
I will at least try
to bring unity
even if it's just
in poetry.