It's for the best. I tell myself with hopes of improving my mental health.
Two days ago was a man with immense wealth
Like when Lauren and Marley died my eyesight has gone all fuzzy
Still no doubt in my mind you love me, Even though you cannot see,
Hear or touch me. Always know I'm thinking of you.
When you look at a conversion table and see metric ton, think of us.
I think about you Bea and the way you buzz
Taught me what is is like to be "normal" again
Touched and enamored my heart not only with your stirring unparalleled soul
Oh for you taught me how to smile and kiss, embracing the bliss
For some reason I'm pissed, so much remorse, Barely can stomach
I asked you to break up with me, through the tears you said, "I set you free". But who would I want to be with if not my beautiful Bea?
It's for the best, your can go see others, but Know I will ALWAYS be you lover..
Jake Spellman-Hess™