Love Poem: Beacon
Sabahat  Batool Avatar
Written by: Sabahat Batool


" Beacon of Love, shine in the night of waning moon, whither thy lamp beams goest , the world will go, O light up the lamps of hope and love"
Eden Verse

Thou foster child of sea and night ! 
For thee send fairies starry carts
In stormy eves ' in horrid nights
Solace thou sailors sinking hearts

On watery canvas who made thou? 
Thou are which Magic painter's art? 
Thou saved the sailors numberless 
In waning nights, O burning heart ! 

From centuries numberless you there:
Without a friend without a foe'
Oh one and only ocean's eye! 
Moon of the world of ocean thou!
Thou are a far off Fairy's lamp
A ray of hope, a candle thou: 

The ice_bergs look at thee in awe
The angel worship at thy top
Thou forlorn rose in midst of sea
Thou oceans meadows only crop;
Thou fruit of prayers of bygone days 
From heaven's height on earth ye drop

At nights in oceans pitchy dark
For distressed souls a sight to sea
All shires, towns and kirks and dales 
From thy height every scene we see

Thou silent voice , thou helping hand! 
Thou foster child of time and sea! 
No one can ever thou surpass! 
Thou sole in all thy Family-tree'

Oh saving- angel midst of sea! 
O savior of sailors at night
Oh minaret of hope and glee
For painful eyes a soothing sight

Thou saved the billion lives at sea
Thy burning heart so beauteous fair
For sailors, birds and lonesome boats
For every one  a friend sincere