Beat Down Dragged Kicked In the Trash
I've been beat down
dragged through the muddy streets
of harsh words and slander
I've been ripped to pieces
thrown to the ground
kicked in the trash
there is no love for this
despicable female
so why was I born?
I'm hated by those who should love me
I'm the worse person ever
why don't I croak my daughter said
I can't continue
my heart burns in distress
from the slapped down I endure today
God please end this life
a worthless flesh
deserving of death by mistles
Deadly mistles of words
born of a man and woman
I shall not show my face ever again among people
The stabs like a two edge sword
pierced my chest
twisted by lies that hurts
Those words pained worse than
being set afire with gasoline
and the strike of a match
I'm nothing in the eyes of men
suspicious in the eyes of woman
an alien in the heart of the earth
The acid in my stomach
burns like the sun
on the hottest day of the year
Omg bury me in the ocean
where the fish never see
the day of light
Please bury me on the highest mountain
where the hawks and eagles
will eat my flesh feed their baby chicks
My my my, bury me in the desert
where the sun burns hotter
than a furnace filled with sulphur
oh oh oh kill me already
why torture me like hyhenas
feeding on a live, struggling lioness
Shall I fall asleep tonight
peacefully never to awake
to see another day of fright