Beautiful Agony III
VII: Give me time...
Give me time, they say it will heal
But I don't want to forget the emotions I feel
But that's not what I'm worried about
Will the future be as happy, is what I doubt
The happiness you feel I cannot describe
The brain continues to blast unless I imbibe
That something warmed the cockles of the heart
Even though the brain didn't want to play it's part
Time stood still, and yet rushed by
The feelings that only the one could amplify
New found braveness, but sometimes afraid
So many words unspoken, so many unsaid
Wonder what crystal clarity would've achieved
Some kind of future I had truly believed
But maybe it was all just a test
To shape oneself and forget the rest
VIII: Forget the rest...
Forget the rest, but really, how can I
Twas the most wonderful thing, I cannot deny
Everything seemed bright even in the gloom
The air was fragrant even if there weren't flowers to bloom
There was a wide smile on the face
That simply nothing untowardly could erase
There was hope in every little thing
The sweetness that was only brought by that something
The very thought of it puts me in a daze
The giddiness, the rush, that certainly did amaze
The worries the anxiety were always there
But a new found serenity, satisfaction and glare
It changed me for the better too
For a good person I wanted to turn into
Nothing ever made me feel this way
That something was special, and is today
IX: That something was special...
That something was special, and so am I
Gotta move on, a fact I can no longer deny
But thinking about it makes me smile
That something was rare, not from an ordinary pile
The heart raced, hands and legs trembled
The words frequently came out jumbled
It was enchanting and deeply mesmerising
To know I could feel this way, twas surprising
Days seemed long, had sleepless nights
All at the cost of hearts simple delights
Everywhere I looked, it seemed to appear
Whether it was with me, far or near
The beats were amplified, the mind restless
The happiness was constant, more or less
But something so pretty certainly didn't last
Fizzled to dust, it faded too fast