Beautiful Apparition
It is not hard to fall in love with a beautiful apparition. You don’t know them, but are easily
entranced by their chemistry. Your brain ignites a myriad of sensual wishes. Carnal exploration
and fantasies played out in seconds, heating your heart like an oven. They disappear as quickly,
a wisp of smoke, but you miss them immensely. A hallow feeling leaves you weak, sad, and
alone stretching for minutes, days, or years till the next one steals your heart. Man or woman,
boy or girl can manifest and escape around corners and be gone, but in the moment you had
them for eternity. The Petrarchan romance you read lives in their dance and laughter. No one
goes without this fictitious ache; it follows you as your shadow does, comes to life as often.
Looking serene a placid lake reveals a reverse world where everything is as real as the earth
you tread, as vivid as those memories you hang on walls. Veiled in disbelief as a mere image
those waters taunt you with their likeness. The ghosts you long for are down there, but there
they know you as the beautiful apparition