Beautiful Eyes
Eyes, beautiful eyes
Can I read their gaze?
A shallow blue in dazzling browns and grays,
One look and all is lost.
Like a spring breeze we float adrift together, your eyes your eyes what beautiful eyes, always seemingly singing bewitching every crowd.
You smile and no one can resist the happiness you wear like a winter sweater, it wraps around them hugging them planting seeds of your happiness within, the world is your garden your smile the sun kissing the many hearts lifting the happiness free.
I am lost Forever swinging on your every laughter, I am your fool the jester at your castle, never have I ever been so enthralled by such a beautiful glimmer a spark I caught burning in your eyes, oh what beautiful eyes sharing your innocent love with me never seems to be a hassle. When I am lost you rescue me when I am sick you care for me when I am fading you shine a little brighter just for me. Eyes beautiful eyes mirrors of your brilliant soul smiling at me in all the sun's fierce glory and that my love is the beginning of our grand love story.