Beautiful Girls
They say life is easy for a beautiful girl
They expect us to always smile
like the world is sprouting daisy daily
But underneath the good genetics
lies a girl whose scared to end up lonely
She brings that cover girl smile
everyday so no one will catch on to her secret
Even though she cries so many tears
there is no puffy eyes to prove to her peers
Everyone wants to be her and see her
and though they anticipate something great
she sees herself as a mediocre and second rate
she can't seem to find the real ones
So she goes through countless samples
to see what taste best
But as she's tasting her heart is breaking
Even though this girl is beautiful
It doesn't guarantee her heart a force field
You know cause eventually your not unique
enough for their tastes
They want model tall, and curvy but not chubby
So this beautiful girl looks in the mirror all day
wondering why she doesn't believe these compliments
that she receives daily
If I were truly a beautiful girl
than guys would stick around
If I were a beautiful girl than I would be in love
Cause the truth of this story is sad but true
Nothing made this girl feel more beautiful
than hearing it being said from her lovers lips