Love Poem: Beautiful Jessica
Barbara Dumbovic Avatar
Written by: Barbara Dumbovic

Beautiful Jessica

Twenty seven years 
You came to this world
Small and sweet
First time our eyes met
Connection was there 
I will never forget

Sweet smile 
Little arms  
Reaching up for a embrace 
I came to see you 
Every day 

First words you said 
In my mind always
Will be set

You are your 
Mom’s pride and joy
She wanted you
For a long time you know

Every time I phoned
I heard a cry
Your mom could not 
Leave you with anyone
I asked please let me try

You are grown up now
Blossomed to a beauty 
I wish you could believe 

You can’t 
What is happening 
To you my pretty?

Food became your misery 
Wasting away day by day
I pray to God to guide you his way.

To show you what you do  
Depriving your self of food
God gave and blessed 

Please don’t make your self sick
I don’t want to see you looking like death
Shine your beauty show it to the world
Let your voice sing and be heard

I do love you like you are mine
When you were little we spent 
Together allot of time
Take good care my precious girl
Your kids needs you 
We love you Jessica