Beautiful Lady With That Colorful Blank Stare
Strolling along the beach without a single care
When I look up to see
This lady with a colorful blank stare
Who has stunning snow white hair
Casting her amazing eyes on to me
Should I be aware
How she captures this moment I see
With that colorful blank stare
Do I dare stop so we can share
Will I get caught up in her snare
Will she end up at my lair
This beautiful lady with this snow- white hair
Who has this amazing flare
That renders me to float like hot air
I know this is rare when a lady with snow-white hair
Can stop you with a colorful blank stare
So I must prepare for this affair
With this beautiful lady and her snow-white hair
Oh how she rocks that chair from way over there
I don't want her to think I'm square or in dispair
I sure don't want her to think I am a player
When I find myself locked into a full glare
With her colorful blank stare
When I feel her bare soul brush up against mine
Wanting it to wrap around me to set us free
To explore all the wonderful feelings
That is going off inside of me
No way to compare how this
Beautiful lady's stare
With this amazing snow -white hair
Captured my heart with a rare moment
That makes such a loving pair
Thank you, dear lord, for answering my prayer